Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the “Terms”) apply to any access to and use of Starticket's websites, mobile applications and social media channels (hereinafter the “Services”). Any access or use of the Services implies acceptance of these Terms as a legally binding contract with ARECA MAYAN SPONSOR SA DE SV, an SA incorporated in Mexico (hereinafter, "Starticket").

Starticket reserves the right to modify the Terms at any time, and any continued use of or access to the Services constitutes acceptance of the most recent version of these Terms.

  1. Information for Registration and use of Services:
    • All users of the Services must provide the information requested by Starticket. The user guarantees that the data filled in the various fields requested by Starticket are valid data and accurate, precise and true personal information. The user assumes the commitment to update said data when necessary.
    • In the event that Starticket detects that the information provided by the user is false or incomplete, it may cancel, suspend or restrict the use of the Services without any responsibility. Starticket reserves the right to request proof and/or additional information in order to corroborate the veracity of the information provided by a User, as well as to temporarily or permanently suspend those Users whose data could not be confirmed.
    • Starticket reserves the right to reject a registration request or to cancel or suspend, temporarily or permanently, the Services for any user, in case of detecting inconsistencies or inconsistencies in the information provided by a User or in case of detecting suspicious activities, without such decision generates for the User rights of compensation or compensation.
  2. Limitations to the use of services:
    • Starticket may establish limits to the Services, including, without limitation, limits per transaction, volume of orders or payments of any nature and inform users by any means, including, without limitation, social networks, email, WhatsApp and other channels. Communication.
  3. Unauthorized access and use of user accounts:
    • Users acknowledge that the access information to Starticket services, without limitation, access codes, passwords, and any other identification and security information, when applicable, is their sole responsibility and releases Starticket from any liability for access. to your account due to the misuse or disclosure of such information by the user. Any access to the Starticket Services is personal, unique and non-transferable, and its sale, assignment or transfer is prohibited.
  4. Misuse of the Services:
    • In order to comply with its legal obligations, Starticket reserves the right to prevent, freeze or suspend access to its Services to users who carry out activities of any nature that are considered illegal or that, at Starticket's sole discretion, put the reputation or confidence in your Services platform. Starticket reserves the right to limit, in certain situations, withdrawals or to use the outstanding balance for payments owed to Starticket for processing fees, refunds, disputes by cardholder parties, or chargebacks applied to the account. The user accepts his responsibility to compensate Starticket for fraudulent use of the platform by his clients.
    • Starticket may share any information and give access to any record required by the competent authorities, without said transfer or access implying any right of compensation for the users.
  5. Shopping:
    • All sales made through our website will be made only through the means of payment available on it, they will be subject to verification and acceptance of the debit or credit card, with which the purchases were made, by the respective financial and/or banking entities, as well as the verification of the data provided.
  6. > Of returns and refunds:
    • All sales made through our website are firm; No cancellation, compensation, refund, change of tickets or credits can be requested after the purchase is confirmed.
    • It is the responsibility of the user to attend the event on the date and time indicated, so no refund or compensation will be made if the user does not attend the event for personal reasons.
    • Starticket will inform through this website or through official social networks any type of change in time, date, location, artist, modality, etc. of the event. Therefore, it is the sole responsibility of the user to verify any last minute changes or cancellations; Starticket is not responsible for any expense incurred due to the lack of information not verified by the user.
    • If for any reason Starticket does not send the user the full amount of tickets purchased, its responsibility is limited to returning any deposit and/or payment for each undelivered ticket.
    • In those cases that due to force majeure, a refund of money is made, only the value of the ticket will be refunded; All those amounts paid for service charges, bank commissions or withholdings for the use of the payment gateway will not be refunded.
    • If the user loses, damages, loses, is not responsible for, or their ticket is stolen by a third party, Starticket will not make any type of substitution, return, refund, or payment of any compensation. Likewise, no returns are made in the event that the user of the website has chosen, by mistake, a product that was not the desired one.
    • Starticket strictly adheres to the Regulations of the Law for the Promotion of Competition and Effective Defense of the Consumer No. 7472, in its Eighth Section and concordant for everything related to returns or refunds in case of cancellation of the event, taking into account the times required by the payment gateway or the banking entities involved for the reimbursement of the money, which the user explicitly accepts.
    • In the case of events canceled for reasons beyond Starticket's control, the refund will be made 100%.
    • In case of cancellation of the event, the return by means of cards will be made automatically, the tickets purchased in cash mode will be delivered at the place, days and hours that Starticket indicates for this purpose.
  7. Acceptance of these terms constitutes a Sales Contract between Starticket and the person who is purchasing the tickets.
  8. The user declares to know that the realization of any Event for which he acquires or buys tickets through our website does not depend on Starticket; who are not responsible for schedules, security conditions, locations, realization, cancellation, suspension, postponement, modification, organization or content of the Event. This responsibility is exclusive to the Producer of the Event that appears with name and identification in the advertising carried out by the producer, therefore the user exempts Starticket from all responsibility regarding the Event.
  9. When purchasing tickets through an unauthorized third party, Starticket is not responsible for any type of irregularity, duplication or any inconvenience with the ticket purchased through a third party. The only resellers or third parties authorized for the sale of our tickets will be those that are publicly and fully announced on our website as well as on our social networks, reserving the right to change without prior notice.
  10. Starticket is not responsible for damages caused by eventual counterfeiting, manipulation or partial or total damage to tickets.
  11. Each event has a maximum limit for ticket sales per person, in case of exceeding it, the excess of tickets will be canceled without prior notice.
  12. Once the purchase is made, the user is responsible for providing their data correctly in the purchase processes, paying special attention to the bank details provided, as well as their personal information; since once the purchase is made there are no changes, refunds or returns. Being that if the user provided incorrect information when filling in the data and as a result of the error another person obtained his ticket and used it, Starticket is not responsible for the loss of the same, the user losing all rights to any type of compensation .
  13. Starticket is a virtual platform that receives information from each of the registered users, therefore if a person used fraudulent banking information in order to purchase tickets on our website, Starticket is not responsible for any damage caused or compensation requested, since it is the responsibility of each person to protect their personal information.
  14. The person in charge of the event reserves the right not to authorize the entry of any type of drinks and food, drugs, hallucinogenic substances, weapons, as well as any electronic device that one wants to use in order to create audiovisual material of the event without prior authorization and in writing thereof.
  15. The tickets are a bearer security, therefore entry will only be allowed to people who present them at the entrance of the event. Being the first to present it the one who holds the right of entry to the event; Starticket is not responsible for the loss of ticket information by the user, and if the user did not take the respective security measures to safeguard it, they must assume their responsibility and will not be able to enter the event or request any type of compensation for your loss.
  16. The person in charge of the event may make changes to it, without prior notice, even in the change of artists, price, location or any other change that he deems appropriate.
  17. Entering the event after the appointed time could cause the loss of the right to it.
  18. Entry to people under the influence of alcohol or any hallucinogenic substance or well considered some type of drug will not be allowed.
  19. If adulterated tickets are detected at the time of entry, with reports of losses, theft, etc., the entry to the bearer will not be allowed and the corresponding authorities will be notified immediately.
  20. Upon entering, the identification document may be requested, if you do not carry it, the entry may be denied.
  21. By provisions of the Ministry of Health, entry to the event may be denied, without the possibility of any change, refund or refund; to all those people who do not meet the necessary requirements to enter public or private events.
  22. The tickets are personal, since the barcode or QR code limits access to a single person, who will be the first to show up at the event entrance. The use and safeguarding of the tickets to avoid additional copies is the sole responsibility of the user as mentioned above.
  23. Starticket is not responsible for any type of inconvenience at the time of purchase, when it is caused by a technical problem, electrical flow or the user's Internet.
  24. Both Starticket and the person in charge of the event reserve the right of admission.
  25. Once the user enters the event, he will not be able to leave the place, resulting in the loss of the right to enter the event.
  26. The issued tickets are subject to the different corresponding charges for the additional service to the price of the ticket, this charge is tacitly accepted at the time of accepting these Terms.
  27. All controversies or differences that may arise from these Terms, from their execution, liquidation or interpretation, will be resolved by means of local legislation and must be settled first by the parties.
  28. Starticket does not assume any responsibility with the contents and commercial or other services, websites that can be linked electronically directly or indirectly through the website www.starticket.cr. The user acknowledges and accepts that Starticket is not responsible, in any way, for the contents of other linked sites, nor for the damages that they may cause.
  29. Starticket will not be responsible in case of not being able to comply with any of the obligations contained in this document due, directly or indirectly, to the failure of any equipment, authorization system, communication system or any fortuitous event, act of force majeure or any other event outside of Starticket's control. Likewise, Starticket, the producer and its affiliated companies are not responsible for damages or losses derived from the access, use or misuse of the contents of this website.

The user declares to have read and fully and freely understood each and every one of the clauses of this document, for which reason he agrees to abide by its Terms, without exception.

In case of any problem when making your purchase, please contact the customer service department at WhatsApp Support or email soporte@starticketmx.com.

Starticket reserves the right to make changes to the site and the Terms at any time without prior notice. Accordingly, users are advised to review these Terms each time they access our website.
Starticket is a ticket issuance service provider, therefore it has no responsibility for any situation related to the event.

Last updated: Feb 09, 2023